Sources of Healthy Fats

This topic is so important, both to your health in general and to the Ketogenic Diet in particular, that I want to list some of the best sources of healthy fats, as well as some examples of fats to avoid.

Saturated Fats

  • Butter
  • Milk and milk products (yogurt, cheese)
  • Eggs
  • Red Meat
  • Coconuts and coconut oil
With all of these, you have to be discerning, especially nowadays. For example, I would get organic, grass fed meats whenever possible, as well as free range eggs. For any milk products, try to find ones that haven’t been treated with antibiotics.

When it comes to fish, you have to be careful about the source due to widespread pollution.

 Sources of Monounsaturated Fats

  • Nuts (almonds, macadamia nuts, cashews)
  • Almond Bread
  • Avocados
  • Olive oil
  • Beef (contains both saturated and monounsaturated fats)

Polyunsaturated Fats (Omega-3 and Omega-6)

  • Fish (Salmon, Trout, Herring)
  • Salmon Patties
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Flax Seeds

Sources of Unhealthy Fats

  • Margarine
  • Shortening
  • Fast Foods (especially fried foods such as French fries and fried Chicken)
  • Many packaged and frozen foods (read the labels!)
  • Sweets -baked goods, cookies, cakes, etc.

The above list is neither comprehensive nor completely accurate. That’s because foods vary widely in the way they are prepared. You can, for example, find some healthier margarines in health food stores that don’t contain trans fats.

The same is true for healthier sweets. Yet even if they don’t contain trans-fats, we have already seen that sugar of any kind does not go well with the Ketogenic Diet!

Your best bet for avoiding trans fats is to stay away from processed and fast foods. Fresh foods are generally healthier, so even “healthy” frozen foods and packaged foods are a poor substitute for quality fresh foods.

Read ingredient labels and watch out for ingredients like hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.
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